
About Us

We started in LLC in 2022 so that we can keep better track of finances,
control liabilities, and because it seemed like a great idea.

Think Green Ranch is a small, sustainable ranch that specializes in raising cows and selling quality beef. It produces organic beef from well-fed, happy cattle which are raised on pasture, as opposed to feed-lots. The initial ranch consisted of six to eight cows and was started back in October of 2018. In the first year of business there were many valuable lessons to learn about running a ranch, including how to keep them fed, happy, and healthy.

Think Green Ranch is a family owned business that started in October of 2018. The ranch originally consisted mainly of six to eight cows and the original goal was to produce organic beef while being environmentally friendly. The family’s first year was full of learning about running a ranch, but they have grown and expanded over time with the help of the community.